what we do

Did you know pressure washers can do more harm than good to your home? We use industry standard soft wash technology to property clean your home. Click to learn more.
Does your roof have black streaks or spots? Or maybe Moss and Fungus growth? Click to find out how you can get more life out of your roof.
Wet Hose offers a number of other services. Click here to learn more.
Properly maintaining a commercial property can be challenging. Click to find out how we can help.

what we do

Did you know pressure washers can do more harm than good to your home? We use industry standard soft wash technology to property clean your home. Click to learn more.
Does your roof have black streaks or spots? Or maybe Moss and Fungus growth? Click to find out how you can get more life out of your roof.
Wet Hose offers a number of other services. Click here to learn more.
Properly maintaining a commercial property can be challenging. Click to find out how we can help.

Free Estimates
ABOUt us

At Wet Hose our mission is to provide unparalleled service. Our work will exceed all expectations of professionalism, integrity, and effectiveness. From the smallest and easiest job to the most strenuous, we make sure that we’re not finished until the satisfaction of our customers is met. We aim to finish each project in a timely-manner and with the highest level of quality. With a focus on personalized service, competitive rates and customer satisfaction, we’re always striving to meet and exceed industry expectations.
We believe that home owners and commercial property owners should have access to the knowledge and resources necessary to properly protect and maintain their investment. Give us a call for a free in person estimate or check out our blog articles which offer insight into industry standard practices, the how and whys of exterior cleaning, and more.